Business Plan


Business planning is a complex process, which, if implemented properly, generates big added value for the investor. Aim of our activity is to fully support investor on each stage of business planning process.

Who the offer concerning business plans is addressed to?

  • Investors who need to gain basic answer for a question if the investment will meet expectations
  • Management who need to understand how finances of the entity will look like as a result of investment implementation
  • Creditors and partners of the project who support the investment

What are the advantages of business planning?

Each of basic element of the investment planning process results in increase of added value for the investor even before the investment is made. On the one hand, proper evaluation of risk helps to limit potential risks related to investment implementation, on the other hand - complex preparation helps to increase the effectiveness of each euro invested.

Business plan

What is the structure of the business plan?

Sample business plan structure can be found in download section.

Contact :

tel.: +48 71 734 55 10
fax: +48 71 734 55 09
For further contact information click here.

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